IMBRA FSR-ENDURANCE World Championship in Nagykanizsa-Hungary 04-10.08.2024.

  In 2024 the FSR-ENDURANCE World Championship was again held in the same year as the Summer Olympics. In 1976 when it was in Toronto I had a T-shirt with the Olympic logo and although it was certainly a copy, nevertheless relevant that it was still a pleasant experience for me in terms of form. In Los Angeles in 1988 Karl Lewis came first with 9.92 seconds and in Paris Oblique Seville only came last in the final with 9.91 seconds. This year Paolo Pininfarina was named the winner of the American Prize for Design 2024. The prize was awarded by the Museum of Architecture and Design and the European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies in collaboration with Good Design 2024. Michael Mauer, head designer at Porsche on defining the strategy, says; When I plan an object too, the design should express and be the first point of contact; I'm a sports car in the segment.


Naviga M Section World Championship in Rimavska Sobota, Kurinec-Slovakia 03-10.08.2023.

  As always, when I was preparing for this Naviga Holiday, the portal showed quite a lot of water for 2-3 days. The first two days were already like bevore midsummer and on 05. August. Saturday in the night the cyclone “Zacharias” arrived to us too and it caused a lot of chaos. By morning almost all the tents were flat and the water had to be drained away through an improvised creek. The next day there was still a lot of rain and wind but then the nice weather returned. What was special about, the finals was that it was once again a perfect condition for the ship model competition Yes, among many I was able to establish that a racing boat should not only be hydrodynamically optimal but also have to be of the current respectively right size!


The IMBRA Enduro World Championship in 2024, will be again in Nagykanizsa-Hungary

In a short time we got a nice news that the IMBRA Enduro World Championship in the categories FSR-E 3.5 7.5 15  27 and 35cc  on 04-10.08.2024.  will be held again (after 40 years) in Hungary in the community Nagykanizsa.
There is still many work for it and we also wish from here a lot of intellect, humility and power for all future participants and of course for the volunteer organization team! Well, a ChatGPT may already also be used.


FIM M-Race in Treviso-Italy 26.06.2022. and Visit to Verona


Fascination Model Building Expo in Friedrichshafen-Germany 05-07.11.2021.

We have been since 2015 not in Germany (around a triangle Dessau-Mannheim-Speyer) I thought; We need again any 1:1 lucky challenge. Because of COVID-19 maybe was it just with EU infection card, FFP2 mask, and only online ticket with QR code. Well, the lawn was still green but in the evening already with fog on the road and the feeling pretty relaxed than there, all could defeat this virus together so far.


Toys'Port for 25 years

As Toys'Port Creative Design Workshop recently under COVID-19 pandemic, after the revision of our homepage, we made a MINI project too.

V I P ROOM autographed cover graphics as a work of fine art and some musical square

Our artwork, framed picture reprint is unique to make the ambiance of your apartment, workshop, garage, company, caffee shop, pub, restaurant classy and extremely appealing.
In 1940 was the birth of cover art with images, drawings, graphics, and writings. Since then the eye is also listening. The picture was created for this record and this vinyl stood for this half-year, for this summer, when you listened to it all the time. The vinyl business and joying to Top Vintage Hi-Fi Equipment has been growing enormously for several years and it is getting bigger.

The R/C modeling was also approximately this time invented, practiced, developed again and again. I met with the model building as a talented young guy in 1978 and made it with the nitro classes until 1994 as a sport fun. Well, then in the space of time from 1996 to 2021 as Toys'Port. The harmless question is, when the new time frame starts, to do it again as a pure fun sport.

Many thanks


Naviga M Section World Championship in Treviso-Italy 01-10.08.2019. and visit to Venice.

Yes instead of Jesolo, we spent 10 hot days at this crystal clear lake (mega pool) but without being able to swim there. However, half of the runs were also quite wavy and therefore it was more than difficult for many to achieve realistic results. Passionate people from all over Europe organized this event masterfully, unfortunately without my many friends from Campogalliano but with the full support of NAVIGA and the Italian racing association FIM.
All pilots should run with the same Energy Limiter from 2020.

Although I have been to Venice twice before, this time I felt a lot more of it.


Naviga M Section World Championship in Nagykanizsa-Hungary

There was again a risk of what kind of weather awaits us on these ten days.
We residents have known for a long time that when there is the wind, quite large waves form on the pond, as we have it already seen at the finals of the European Championship 2016. Well, unfortunately it was very windy again at the World Championship in the first runs in all categories. Accordingly, we all had brave but weak results. I was surprised by how relaxed and polite the competitors accepted this fact. After the first weekend, there was coming even a big storm front, but we were given quiet weather for the second and third runs and also for the finals.
First and foremost, I was happy that everyone was able to demonstrate the potential and capabilities of their boats at our race under fair conditions. It was particularly positive that at the meeting of NAVIGA, the teams voted about the possibility of using the energy limiters in the future.
Well, I could not qualify for the Mini Eco class due to too few races and 8 weeks before registering, I decided on a category that was still new for me.
I only tested my FSR-E model at home in the last week before this race on Wednesday and Thursday. Despite the setbacks in the first and second run, I was fortunately, able to drive to the end in the third run, through 15 minutes with 159 Wh energy!
But soon you can ride the "Sundance" perhaps as Eco XXL and "just for fun".

International Race in Campogalliano-Italy 27-28.04.2017.
and Visit to Lamborghini Museum by Bologna.

NAMBA Heat Racing in Ca, Fremont-USA 27.08.2016.
and visit to San Francisco and Santa Cruz.  

Well again, after 20 years of hard and dedicated work, 2 of my dreams really became true.

In the exact same scene where in 1984. the NAVIGA FSR World Championship was, a passionate team has mastered again a European Championship, as preparation for 2017 NAVIGA M WC.

I also could have been a participant of a friendly NAMBA organization. Heat Racing in the USA, in Fremont-California Silicon Valley.

That's what I call "buoyancy" for the body and mind that make me able to search for "gold" further on. I would not change any moment from this to a piece of original Sacher cake.

Naviga M Section European Championship in Nagykanizsa-Hungary

Naviga M Section World Championship in Kedzierzyn Kozle-Poland and visit to Cracow 21-29.08.2015.

Yes, but what should I write about it.

Like all competitors from Junior to Senior to the Naviga M World Championship I also transferred the entry fees to Kozle.

Not to talk about all the technical investments, common preparation fight, the costs of travel and hotel which could also cover a pretty cool tourist trip e.g. to New York or Detroit Delray.

At the time I was first on the list of finale with Zorro. At 18:00 p.m. we went to the hotel as like tired dogs and the night before the final, I had a dream that Dr. Jay Leno asked me how I'm going to keep it, but before I could answer he suddenly left the room.

But I can try again- in the next few years to stay in my position.


A visit to Speyer to the Technical Museum-Germany 17.08.2014.

"FSR World" World Championship in Dessau-Germany 27.07.-08.08.2014.

Naviga M Section World Championship in Ghent-Belgium 01-11.08.2013.

So far and so deep in Europe” for the World Championship in GHENT to travel, I was definitely interested in that. As like sometimes in the past, before departure,
I could get close the brand new project
Onyx Eco Expert on its feet! In Ghent, the atmosphere was cheerful after getting used to the local traffic systems and your own route. I was especially impressed by the diverse and creative bourgeois architecture from old to new. It was surprising when the old friends Marco and Mirco Iannarelli flew from Rome for two days to visit us. Then in the competition, I could test the new kid in action relatively successfully, so just in theory and by me -without one spinning at the right side buoy and having small vegetable on the rudder- I could have reached a result ahead of tenth place.

In Mono-2 the old times are over, because nowadays many active guys could fight ahead well. I have reacing closely before Chinese the final and dreaming about podium only now became realistic. The 5th place of Triton was not just playing on the sandy beach.

In mini Eco, due to the extremely wavy waters on the first day almost everyone had to forget this result of laps. After my seemingly harmless collision proved to be fatal to my propeller in the second run, my chances to final were washed away, the same way as for some others. The water surface was often differently windy or busy traffic during numerous qualifying runs, also in case it was smooth it was really dangerous for stability of boats. Well, it was not easy to keep up with the lot of and in the second run changed international runs of many categories, first from depot and then do well in different situations on the dock, too.

For Mono-1 I have to tell you I have learned too that I will build a better new boat, but with colder 6 mm plugs, even with 3S

After all this job, a further short holiday through PARIS and Cota d'Azur was for us pretty well deserved.

Modelltech Exhibition in Sinsheim-Germany 22-24.03.2013.

Back in 2012, I decided during Advent to revisit the Sinsheim Exhibition. As we know, we had a very cold and windy March, but in spite of this, I traveled again too. When we arrived in the town at 9 a.m. all parking spaces were fullatthe at the Halls. On the otherside of the highway at Hoffenheim football stadium, there were still enough free spaces. From there, we took the normal city bus and shortly before getting off, I noticed old sports friends Jörg Mrkwitschka and the Gunnar brothers were also on the bus. During the short walk to Hall A we could discuss about the projects planned for this season.

Highlights of 2012.

Naviga FSR World Championship in Dessau-Germany 28.07.-11.08.2012.

R/C Powerboat Meeting in Heilbronn-Germany 20-22.07.2012.

Graupner Cup and visit to the Technical Museum in Munich-Germany 27-28.05.2012.

It was a nice weekend in Pentecost on Saturday in Stuttgart with logger mood at Schlossplatz, with less sunshine on Lake Bürgersee on Sunday.
The visit to the technical museum in Munich was really great.

Toys'Port for 15 years

Toi toi toy! - (good luck and break a legg) I wrote it only a few short years ago. By now I have already spent three times five years usually with these jobs.

I spent a third of the time of course with model building in the workshop, or occasionally at our lakes to test the current developments, or in the cities of the borderless competitions.

A third of the time was spent with driving around in the car in order to obtain parts and materials, or have them manufactured. Technical Management conducted with as much empathy and discipline as possible and almost direct touch with the people also in the traffic jam.

A third of the time was spent at the office in front of the PC, writing e-mails and keeping in contact with the customers, coordinating the orders, and also handling our assignments to other companies as well as the required payments for the state. It's necessary of course, so that the whole will operate smoothly, or to put it more correctly, several people can also do it for themselves.

Of course according to the standard opinion and various for instance female expectations it's evident that it's not normal that man works logically permanently twelve hours a day, mostly even at the weekends. But it's exactly this passionate engagement, which keeps me healty too. The continuous fight for the delivery time, together with the various accompanying difficulties, or in some headwind, as well as the inflation will nevertheless be balanced out with the already very well remunerated chemical success in the "bulb".

As I dreamed it, we moved on this red marked way to this peak together, and this was by no means an easy tourist trip! I'm excited about the new, about how we will return from here, or perhaps we will feel like to move on the orange way. I'm very grateful for the customers, who have given me their interest, fine negotiation style and mostly trust they presented to me. I hope their part is deathless value for a long time, like an active building block!

However, if I had a really great idea, I would - instead of sitting here on the blue sofa - jump from this rocky mountain into the water, I would like choose a partner from nearby, like Joe Kelly ;-)

Greetings, becouse in the past 15 years it was mainly you who have contributed to the evolution of a top brand with many others.

Kindest regards

Joseph Toth

Highlights of 2011.

International Race in Campogalliano-Italy 21-22.05.2011.

ECO-IDC Race in Moormeland and visit to Koeln-Germany 13-14.08.2011.

Hungarian M Championship in Orfű-Pécs 17.09.2011.

Model Exhibition in Friedrichshafen-Germany 01-04.11.2011.

Highlights of 2010.

International Race in Campogalliano-Italy 01-02.05.2010

Naviga FSR World Championship in Orosháza-Hungary 27.07.-08.08.2010.

Naviga M Section World Championship in Murrhardt-Germany 17-26.09.2010.

Model Exhibition in Wienna 23-26.10.2010.

Highlights of 2009.

SAW Race in Duisburg and visit to Cuxhaven-Germany 07-09.08.2009.

Naviga FSR European Championship in Orosháza-Hungary 27.07.-08.08.2009.

Goldacher Race Days in Switzerland 22-23.09.2009.

Hungarian M Championship in Nagykanizsa 19.09.2009.

Hungarian R/C Powerboat Meeting in Budapest 26.09.2009.

Visit to London and testing performance with Bingo Race at Promenade Park 10-12.12.2009.

Goldacher Race Days in Switzerland 23-24.08.2008.

Though it had been planned long before now I payed a visit to the traditional Swiss Competition. Near to the Lake Constance calm people and -especially on Sunday- brilliant sparky sunhine hosted us. Beside Italian Campogalliano - accompanied with fellows - I'm thinking of coming back here again.

Modell Exhibition in Friedrichshafen-Germany 03-05.11.2006.

In addition to Lake Constance, this city is actually easy to reach. From time to time there are various shows and exhibitions of auto tuning, erotic or real big boats, depending on our interest.


Naviga M World Championship in Thale-Germany 14-23.07.2006.

This year the pretty small town of the former Democratic Republic of Germany has welcomed the motor boat modellers for 10 hot days.
This world championship was remarkable for me not becouse of my successfulness but I'am very happy that I could get to know not just the nice surroundings but some of my fellow competitors and I hope I've made lasting friendship with them.
For example Dominique Mangin and his friends from France, Georg Humbel and his friends from Switzerland, Tom Feyen and his friends from Belgium.

Naviga FSR World Championship in Belchatow-Poland 08-10.07.2002.

The runs were at rough water conditions. Zoltán could still qualify for the final. However, they noticed that the central of gravity of our boat lay too far behind. For better stability, it should be put more forwards. In the final he could race also with the help of a pliers, which was fixed to the front of the boat. Only a Chinese competitor could pass us by with an American hull, which was well ballanced for an M-course. There was the flash of silver and the interest in the peoples eyes that the original Offshore form was brought by Triton.
Because of the decision of the Naviga-Committee meeting, the O-categories will furthermore able to run on an oval course also in Europe and we'll still have the chance to hold a good result.

Video (370 MByte, mp4)

Zoltán Tóth is NAVIGA World Champion of O-3,5 in Velenje-Slovenia 2000.

The Slovenian FSR Competition brought an unexpected result; my brother came home with a gold medal. The model, which he been used at that time, ran relatively unstable, because originally it was planned for an FE Mono-3 class and it had steps. The Triton was awesome fast but it wasn't laid out for the enormous torque of a nitro engine. Also, the sharp curves of the M-course were a big challenge. Thank to the good driving techniques of my brother, and also to necessery some luck, the Hungarian flag was raised up and our national hymn was played.
We started to go over the hull after such a result and such experiences. Without steps and with a small horizontal riding surface in the centre of the bottom, it wanted to improve the driving quality. With the precise work of my brother, the new boat was made. During the first test we could see already that the Triton was fast as before but now it was much more steady. It's behaviour in the corners improved extremely!


Toys'Port · Rákóczi út 83. · H-2131 Göd · Europe · Phone:+36 27 330 938